Saturday, December 18, 2010

a moderate update...

haven't done much in the way of physical labor on the bike...its been cold and snowing, and i think i mentioned before that the shop doesn't have any heat (and a lot of holes in the walls), so i've mostly been collecting new parts...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Aww, shocks!

So then, i got some new shocks in the mail from either France or Asia (generally).  The dude i bought them from (on the bay of e) was french, but i'm pretty sure

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

turn your head and cough...

350 q-tips later and i have one clean carb, with new jets.  In anticipation of pod filters and straight pipes, i swapped out the 78/115 factory jets for 87.5/130...i guess we'll see whether that works out or not.  I haven't done much work on the bike proper, other than removing everything but the engine. Next i want to