Saturday, December 18, 2010

a moderate update...

haven't done much in the way of physical labor on the bike...its been cold and snowing, and i think i mentioned before that the shop doesn't have any heat (and a lot of holes in the walls), so i've mostly been collecting new parts...
a new throttle control housing (from a moto guzzi, looks like it's gonna work perfectly), got a new kill switch/start button, hopefully i'll be able to wire the bike so i can ditch the ignition switch, got some new tank rubbers to mount the deluxe tank to my custom frame, got a new brake lever/master cylinder (has an angled master cylinder so it'll keep a level line on the clip-ons, its currently leaking brake fluid all over a fairly newly renovated antique table in my dining room, but thats okay) and i got some new shocks (see below).  i'm including a picture of a bike that i want...this bike is amazing.  oh, one more thing, i had a dream last night about motorcycle carburetors...seriously.

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